The modern world saturated with many technologies and facilities that need to be managed and monitored. Climate change, as well as the care of human health, requires more and more in-depth monitoring and analysis of various factors that have an impact.
Modern IT technologies and microcontrollers have significantly changed the way of operation and programming of control and monitoring systems (monitoring), in the direction of increasingly complex tasks for lower levels of management, including application of the methods of
Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Significant advances in programming technology(object oriented programming) in recent decades have changed the programming of control systems and largely displaced classical programming languages.
PLC (Programmable Logic Lontrollers), such as Ladder Logic Diagram (LD), etc.
At the same time the requirements for work in extreme environmental conditions
Grow and Technical Control and Monitoring Devices (CMDs) must have high resilience, sometimes exceeding that of PLC.
Another feature of CMD is their connection not only with sensors and actuators, but also through communication channels, both between them and with the people who serve and use them. A third feature is the archiving of data in them for subsequent use and analysis.
Keeping in mind the most modern and up-to-date solutions, we offer our customers and partners high-quality, sustainable and highly connected
The Itms500io series of Control and Monitoring Devices (CMD) at affordable prices, allowing them to be widely disseminated, as well as consulting, training and experience sharing.

What can we do
It is a pleasure to introduce ourselves to you. The creation and production of high-quality Control and Monitoring Devices (CMDs) requires expertise and experience in a variety of fields, ranging from circuitry and microcontrollers, various programming languages, functional analysis, production and full testing of products and systems. We have such expertise, acquired as a result of our PLC (Programmable Logic Lontrollers) for mechanical engineering, specialized microcontroller devices, energy monitoring systems, wastewater management systems, bench testing systems for mechanical engineering products and more.
What distinguished us? 100% security and reliability in extreme conditions, uncompromising quality - 100% testing, high quality components that we invest in production and last but not least a reasonable price.